Eating healthy food is an important part of your treatment and care. Good nutrition helps your body heal. It can help you recover faster, prevent loss of muscle and lower the chance of infection.
Our dietitians and chefs create meals that are balanced and nourishing to support your recovery. We also provide high energy supplements if you need them.
We cater for a wide range of diets including allergies and intolerances and religious or personal preferences.
Please tell us if you:
- have any special dietary needs
- need help opening packets, cutting your food or feeding yourself
- do not receive a meal.
We serve three meals a day, as well as three snacks. We have water for you all the time and we have tea and coffee available on your ward. Each day you will get a paper menu to fill out your choices. We will collect this from your room each day.
If you or your loved one can’t fill out their own menu let us know and we will help.
If you didn’t receive a meal let your nurse know and we will arrange to bring you something to eat.
Meal times at Canberra Hospital
- Breakfast from 7:30am to 8:10am
- Morning tea – hot or cold drink and a small snack or biscuits
- Lunch from 12pm to 12:50pm
- Afternoon tea – hot or cold drink and a small snack or biscuits
- Dinner from 5:30pm to 6:10pm
- Supper – hot or cold drink and a small snack or biscuits.
Meal times at North Canberra Hospital
- Breakfast from 7:30am to 8:30am
- Morning tea – hot or cold drink and a small snack or biscuits
- Lunch from 12pm to 1pm
- Afternoon tea – hot or cold drink and a small snack or biscuits
- Dinner from 5:15pm to 6:00pm
- Supper – hot or cold drink and a small snack or biscuits.
Talk to you nurse about any allergies or dietary preferences you have. Your nurse will arrange food that is safe for you with our nutrition and food services departments.
Options when you are receiving cancer treatment - Canberra Hospital only
Our ‘Taste Changes Extras’ list provides you with further options that might help with changes in taste that can be a result of your cancer treatment.
Menu for Mob - Canberra Hospital only
We’ve developed Menu for Mob after feedback from Aboriginal and Torres Strait patients and staff that there was an opportunity to provide culturally appropriate meals.
The menu includes traditional foods but focusses largely on familiar, comforting dishes shared between many generations of Australian First Nations people.
Items available at lunch and dinner include:
- Kangaroo Stew with Roast Potato and Vegetables
- Barramundi in Sweet Chilli Sauce with Creamed Potato and Vegetables
- Savoury Mince with Creamed Potato and Vegetables
- Curried Sausages with Rice and Vegetables
The menu is available to people who identify as being Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. Please speak with one of our Aboriginal Liaison Officers or a member of your care team if you would like to order from the Menu for Mob.
Meals for parents and carers
At Canberra Hospital, breastfeeding mothers, mothers of babies admitted to the post-natal ward or parents or carers of children in the paediatric high care unit can receive meals. Talk to your nurse to arrange this. At North Canberra Hospital, admitted mothers or those rooming in will receive meals.
Food from home
We do not encourage your family or friends to bring in food for you. However, if they insist, there are Guidelines for bringing food to hospital [PDF 292kB] they need to follow to make sure the food is safe and suitable.