Visiting Medical Officers (VMOs) contract information
Core conditions for VMO contracts can be find in the current notifiable instrument. Your contract will include additional information.
For more information about VMO contracts call (02) 5124 9614. If you are calling from North Canberra Hospital contact (02) 6201 6897.
For information on billing, see the following FAQ, or contact (02) 5124 9082.
Policies and standard operating procedures
All VMOs are subject to the clinical policies and procedures relevant to their scope of practice, as well as the following policies, procedures and standard operating procedures. You should familiarise yourself with these documents.
- ACT-Public-Sector-Integrity-Framework-and-Governance-Policy.docx [DOCX 295kB]
- Admission-to-Discharge-Procedure-adults-and-children.docx [DOCX 132kB]
- Child Protection Policy [DOCX 99kB]
- Clinical-Records-Management-Policy.docx [DOCX 90kB]
- CHS Accreditation Guideline [DOCX 84kB]
- Clinical-Records-Management-Procedure.docx [DOCX 1.09MB]
- Consumer-Privacy.docx [DOCX 121kB]
- Discharge-Summary-Completion-Inpatients.docx [DOCX 270kB]
- Education and Training – Governance Processes and Staff Requirements.docx [DOCX 3.83MB]
- Elective Surgery Access Policy [DOCX 159kB]
- Flexible Working Arrangements Relating to Private Practice or Other Commitments – Specialists and Senior Specialists.docx [DOCX 227kB]
- Fraud and Corruption Policy [DOCX 302kB]
- Gifts-and-Benefits procedure.docx [DOCX 104kB]
- High-Risk Medicines Policy [DOCX 305kB]
- Incident-Management-Clinical-Policy [DOCX 103kB]
- Incident-Management-Clinical-Procedure [DOCX 438kB]
- ACT-Government-Acceptable-Use-of-ICT-Resources-Policy.docx [DOCX 294kB]
- Consent for Healthcare Treatment Guideline [DOCX 285kB]
- Introduction of New Health Technology [DOCX 163kB]
- Language-Services-Interpreters-and-Translated-Materials.docx [DOCX 173kB]
- Managing-a-Conflict-of-Interest.docx [DOCX 150kB]
- Managing-Nicotine-Dependence-.docx [DOCX 1.39MB]
- Medication Handling Policy [DOCX 451kB]
- Occupational-Assessment-Screening-and-Vaccination.docx [DOCX 3.96MB]
- Occupational-Violence-Policy.docx [DOCX 93kB]
- Occupational Violence Procedure [DOCX 489kB]
- Open Disclosure [DOCX 272kB]
- Planned Care Access and Certainty of Service [DOCX 87kB]
- Restraint of Person detained under the Mental Health Act 2015 [DOCX 161kB]
- Resolving Workplace Issues – Work Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination [DOCX 84kB]
- Reviewing the Clinical Scope of Practice of a Practitioner [DOCX 179kB]
- Seclusion-of-Persons-Detained under the Mental Health Act 2015 [DOCX 150kB]
- Second-Job.docx [DOCX 94kB]
- Smoke-Free Environment [DOCX 96kB]
- Underperformance-Policy.docx [DOCX 83kB]
- Work-Health-and-Safety.docx [DOCX 297kB]
Please note, this list will be reviewed from time to time and is subject to change.
Where the status of contractors is not clear, a reference to Canberra Health Services staff or Canberra Health Services employees should be read as a reference to a VMO.
Nothing in these documents will provide any entitlements beyond those defined in the VMO’s contract.
Any reference to dispute settling procedures will be read as a reference to the dispute resolution provisions at clause 21 of the VMO contract.
Where mandatory training is required under these documents, VMOs will be required to attend and will be paid at the sessional rate applicable to the VMOs category.
In the event of any inconsistency between any policy or procedure and any provision of the VMO’s contract then, to the extent of any inconsistency, the VMO’s contract will prevail.