
Our Medical Imaging Department uses imaging to diagnose and treat people with various medical conditions.

Pregnant and breastfeeding people

We can perform scans on pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers depending on the clinical situation. Please discuss with your doctor and please inform staff of your situation so we can advise as appropriate.

Scans for children

We have a dedicated room, which is colourful and decorated for paediatric scans. We also have iPads available for entertainment and distraction and you are welcome to bring your own toys, dummy, bottles, special blankets and electronic devices.

We regularly perform these tests on young children and our staff are specially trained to look after children.

We don’t routinely sedate children during tests as distraction techniques often work well. Please speak to your referring doctor and booking staff if you feel your child won’t be able to tolerate the scan without sedation.

Radiation safety

We aim to reduce the amount of radiation we use, in line with the international principle ‘as low as reasonably achievable’ (ALARA).

The adult doses we use are regularly compared to the national average. Our paediatric doses are calculated according to your child’s weight and international consensus formulas established by the European Society of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) and the American Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI).

Some scans and therapies have special restrictions or requirements that we can advise you of when you book or at the appointment.

Uses X-rays to view your body's blood vessels.

A scan is used to measure bone density and detect osteoporosis.

Provides comprehensive imaging of the breast including performing biopsies.

Offers free screening mammograms to people aged 40 years and over.

Provides diagnostic imaging and treatments for people, in emergencies and as non-urgent booked appointments.

Medical imaging and radiology services at North Canberra Hospital.

Offers diagnostic scans for various body parts.

Provides diagnostic imaging to assess bodily functions. It is used for both diagnosis and treatment.

Can help diagnose diseases by seeing how well your organs and tissues are working.

Offers diagnostic ultrasound scans for various body parts.

Provides imaging of the body to help determine any health or medical conditions.

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In the case of a life threatening emergency, dial Triple Zero (000).

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Contact us

Switchboard Canberra Hospital
(02) 5124 0000

International callers
+61 (2) 5124 0000

Switchboard North Canberra Hospital
(02) 6201 6111

International callers
+61 (2) 6201 6111

Switchboard other hospitals and services
(02) 5124 0000

International callers
+61 (2) 5124 0000

The switchboard handles all calls to, from and within the hospital 24 hours/seven days a week