In a life threatening emergency dial Triple Zero (000)


Our Withdrawal Unit provides a secure and supportive environment for safe, medically supervised withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs. We provide an inpatient service as well as an outpatient alcohol withdrawal program for clients meeting the criteria.

About this service

Our Withdrawal Unit is a dedicated team of nurses and medical specialists who provide supervised withdrawal management from alcohol and other drugs in an inpatient unit at Canberra Hospital.

Withdrawal from alcohol and some other drugs often requires medication to avoid the potential harms associated with ceasing alcohol or other drug use.

Supervised withdrawal

Supervised withdrawal may include:

  • educational groups relating to alcohol and other drug use
  • liaison with self-help groups
  • liaison and follow-up with other specialist services, and
  • counselling (also offered as part of follow up care).

Who we care for

We care for residents of the ACT and surrounding areas who have alcohol or substance use issues.

How to access the service

Call us on the Alcohol and Drug Service Intake & Helpline on (02) 5124 9977 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday to Friday for initial information and assessment.

What to expect

All people seeking a supervised withdrawal are placed on a priority list for inpatient and outpatient withdrawal services. Family members and friends are provided with contact information and alcohol and drug information.

What to bring to your admission

  • Medicare card
  • Any letters or correspondence from your GP
  • Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
  • Private health insurance card (if applicable/if you want to use it)
  • List of medicines you are currently taking (or the boxes), including medicines you have bought without a prescription, such as herbal supplements and vitamins

Where we’re located

Alcohol and Drug Services, Building 7, Canberra Hospital, Palmer Street, Garran, ACT.

We have directions and transport information for this service.

mobile icon

In the case of a life threatening emergency, dial Triple Zero (000).

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Contact us

Switchboard Canberra Hospital
(02) 5124 0000

International callers
+61 (2) 5124 0000

Switchboard North Canberra Hospital
(02) 6201 6111

International callers
+61 (2) 6201 6111

Switchboard other hospitals and services
(02) 5124 0000

International callers
+61 (2) 5124 0000

The switchboard handles all calls to, from and within the hospital 24 hours/seven days a week